I am enthusiastically reading along! But I love that you provided the “yes (calmer)” option 🤣

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We all bring different energy and I’m here for it! lol

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The sleep deprived because I’m already reading more than sleeping “yes” 🤣

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Nailed it

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wow genuinely so excited for this 🤭

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Yay!! Me too.

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I'm really familiar with both the book and the era, so I'll be reading it not for the first time, but for the first time in a group, if that makes any sense? And if possible I'm even more excited than for a regular book club because there will be people who don't know the characters and story (HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE) and ooooooh I want to see their reaction!

I was also thinking to read 'Jane Austen At Home' by Lucy Worsley on the side, I've had a copy for ages and it seems like the perfect occasion.

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Hi Ellie, I received that book as a Christmas present! I’m wondering if I should start reading it too, but I recently also began ‘Love and Marriage in the Age of Jane Austen’ by Rory Muir which I think will add a lot of context to my P&P re-read.

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I'd never heard of that one, seems really interesting too!

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Hi! I’m one of those people who…has never read any Austen, is barely cognizant of the story, hasn’t seen any of the media version. (I went to a hippie college with no Gen Ed requirements, in high school we read Shakespeare and other things, and I didn’t really read fiction until about seven years ago.)

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I hope this doesn't sound too creepy, but I shall observe you like an insect in a jar 👀

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Lol watch for the insect shout-out in the first guide on Monday….!!

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I'm SO excited for you to experience this story knowing nothing about it. OMG. This is gonna be fun!

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Do you know about this one releasing on the 18th of February? https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Jane-Austens-Bookshelf/Rebecca-Romney/9781982190248

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no! thank you for making me aware of it!

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Really looking forward to this! I have my book and supplies all ready to go 😀

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I read The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence for the very first time with last year’s read-alongs, but now with P&P I’m curious to see how closely reading a book I have read many times before will be like!

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Yes!! This will be so fun. I always find something new to love when I re-read Wharton’s novels. I wonder if you’ll have a similar experience re-reading P&P!

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Yes to all the above! Can’t wait - excitedly calm if that is a thing 🙃

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That’s totally a thing!! So excited to read with you!

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I’ll be reading an annotated version for the first time, so I’m pretty excited!

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I’m so excited to begin! This will be my second time reading P&P. My last read was over 10 years ago!

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Oh wow that’s exciting!! My first read (and last) was also long ago—about 7 or 8 years. I’m so excited to experience it again!

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I’ll be joining for the first time (reading P&P and also doing a read along)!!!

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Yay! Welcome welcome, Jane!!

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I'm so excited for this read along because my book club is also reading this book at the same time (we're just now starting) and I can't wait to bring a deeper understanding and analysis to our meetings!!

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Oh that’s perfect timing!! I’ll be including some deeper questions to ask of the text each week—I hope they’ll maybe spark some great convos with your other reading group!

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I especially look forward to the opportunity to read along with others and to the comments and discussions from a wide variety of readers.

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I am very excited about reading one of my all time favorite books in a group with expert writing prompts etc. This will be my second time reading (first time was 30+ years ago). I’ve watched the BBC 1995 movie probably 20+ times. I look forward to learning how to read closely and journal about my reading experience.

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I've read it once, and loved it! I'm excited to dive into this read-a-long — I love the outline and assigned chapters, it's giving english class (which I love)

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Yay!! Yes it’s like your favorite lit class without the final paper panic 🤌🏻🤓

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I'm looking forward to this but honestly, I'm feeling nervous that I won't like it or it will be too difficult for me. I will try not to be a problem student and approach it as a fun challenge and a bookish adventure!

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Here’s the best part: you can’t do it wrong. However you participate is all up to you and I’m here to help when you feel like giving up! You’re brave to try new things and we’ve got this! 🥳

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I am so excited to get started!! And thank you so much for all the time you put into creating this for us <3

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Hi Sarah! I’m excited too!! Thank you!! ☺️

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I'm a first-time reader of Jane Austen's work and what better way to do it than alongside all of you?! Found a copy in my local op shop and so ready to get started :)

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Yay!! Welcome, Genesis!

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