Apr 14Liked by haley larsen, phd

Heck yeah: "this is close reading too". It's also why when I take a book to the beach, I very rarely open it; I get caught up in clouds and waves and skittering sandelings and kids squealing and even sometimes dolphins. These swim by fast and if I'm reading I miss them.

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A lovely reminder to pause and take a look around. 🖤

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Apr 15Liked by haley larsen, phd

Even I, an inveterate city girl, cannot help but smile at this :) <3

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Apr 15Liked by haley larsen, phd

Joyce Vance, who lives in Alabama, spends a lot of her time covering/explaining what is going on politically. It must be difficult, discouraging and depressing at times, maybe more than we know. She finds relief in her chickens. 🐓 She sits in her garden and they visit. Getting outside is good for the soul/mood whether it’s walking, checking out the flowers or watching chickens. So glad you are doing well and happy to have discovered you on this platform.

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Loved this Haley on how to embrace the stories unfolding all around us! Spring is still being a little reluctant over here in the UK (this morning alone, I have been rained on, hailed on, blown down the street, and now it is blissful sunshine...) but over the past week I have seen the most amazing cherry blossom and magnolia trees in their full glory. As we very sadly lost our cat at the end of last year, we have also compensated a bit by putting up a bird-feeder (which we couldn't have risked before without fatalities...) and have now named all the local magpies, blackbirds, pigeons, and even a tiny reluctant robin! The joys of spring... : )

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Apr 16Liked by haley larsen, phd

This was a beautiful piece and I couldn’t agree more! Taking time to appreciate nature is absolutely the definition of closely reading. I never did it before I got really sick and now savouring and noticing plants and animals and the sky are amongst some of my favourite things. The joy of noticing is real!

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Apr 17Liked by haley larsen, phd

Yesss! This is close reading too! We also have a blue jay that hangs out in our yard! I think their nest is at the top of one of our trees! 🫶🏼

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